You can help Flaming Match happen! For an Associate Producer credit, maybe even a Flaming Match t-shirt, and guaranteed great karma please consider a donation to help produce this unique film.
You can scan below or click the link here: VENMO @flamingmatch_thefilm
You can scan below or click the link here: VENMO @flamingmatch_thefilm
Our production team of Alan and Brent are definitely both used to producing short films on a tight budget and getting the most for each dollar, often wearing as many hats as needed to make things happen. But Flaming Match is something special, and deserves the kind of funding to really make it shine. To bring this project to the screen, we will need a professional skilled crew, secure a range of locations, acquire all necessary permits, and do some pretty interesting post-production work. You can help make this vision a reality! We have a VENMO @flamingmatch_thefilm.
Other Ways You Can Help
Aside from any contribution you are willing to make, the second best thing you can do to help us achieve our Flaming Match production budget goal is share our IG and QR link with your friends on your social media pages. We know that meeting our number means reaching as many supportive people as possible.
Thank you!